Monday, December 30, 2019

The Impact Of Ownership Structure On Companies Finance Essay - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1861 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? This paper shows calculation of a sample about 500 observations using a software SPSS which analyzes and explains the effects of the share holding structure on corporate performance. The recent studies of Jensen and Meckling 1976, Fama and Jensen 1983, and Hart 1983 indicate that the managerial ownership of shares in a firm create conflicting forces on the behavior of management in the form of convergence of interest effect and the effects of reinforcement. Other former studies suggested that there is link between the managerial stake and the market value of the firm is positive as a result of the convergence of management and shareholder interests. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Impact Of Ownership Structure On Companies Finance Essay" essay for you Create order However, this link is observed as negative owing to the managerial stake strengthens at a large scale and involves management from the corporate control. The paper is designed and structured to present to JP Drew. The paper is structured into first section which provides the scatter plot and descriptive statistics table showing the variables features. In order to explain the correlation between the Market to Book and Value (MBV) and other controlling variables, the next section demonstrates the findings of this. Third section of paper shows the evaluation of dependent variable using explanatory variables. The conclusion of the paper presents the interpretation and other findings of the report. Methodology The descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and regression analysis are the approaches used in the report. In order to understand the methodology used in the report it is vital to comprehend these approaches by analyzing and giving a brief overview. The below is the analysis of the approach: At first, the descriptive analysis is the preliminary feature of the quantitative collection of data. The reason to use descriptive statistics is to provide summary of a quantitative set of data utilizing the data to make inference relevant to population to which data are analyzed. Moreover, the correlation is a statistical technique which is used to represent the strength of relationship between the variables. However, it is a single number which shows the relationship and connection between the two variables. In addition, the third approach which is used in this paper is regression analysis. The regression analysis model includes the analysis and model of several variables when the focus is on the relationship between dependent variable and one or more than one independent variables. Descriptive Statistics The Market to Book Value has been used in this report as a dependent variable. The aim to use descriptive statistic in this report is to determine the performance of company and other variables are considered as independent variables which affect the Market to Book Value. The following two scatter plots show the evident relationship between the MBV and the independent variables which are ownership concentration and size or total assets of company. Above figure shows the relationship between MBV and size of the company. Considering the figure, it is clear that there is no relationship between the total assets of the company and the Market to Bok Value. Thus, it cannot be declared if there is any relationship between the two variables from the scatter plot. The above figure of scatter plot is also showing the relationship between the Market to Book Value and the ownership concentration. Through the figure it can be observed that there is relationship between MBV and Concentrati on as it shows perfect correlation with each other. Therefore, it can be stated that two variables can rise and fall together. The scatter plot in above figure shows the trends of distribution between the two variables rather than just describing the information about the relationship between ownership structure and performance of company. Therefore, it is important to analyze the relationship between the Market to Book Value and Ownership Concentration. Hence, the descriptive statistics is demonstrated by the means of the analysis of concrete variables which includes the range of value, maximum and minimum, mean and standard deviation. Descriptive Statistics N Range Minimum Maximum Mean Con 500 36.1 21.3 57.4 37.456 Identity 500 3 3 6 4.38 Industry 500 2 1 3 1.75 MBV 500 1.94 1.04 2.98 1.8729 ROCE 500 31.3 23.2 54.5 39.718 Size 500 348761 66751 415512 2.11E5 Valid N (listwise) 500 As it is observed in the above table that the mean value of return on capital used and which is also termed as ROCE, MBV and Con, they are approximately around 39.7, 1.8 and 37.5 respectively. The sets of data shows that the average of the proportion of ROCE has occupied about 39.7%, the mean percentage of Ownership Concentration is occupied about 37.5% and the average market to book value is approximately about 1.9% in the entire data set. In addition, the standard deviation for ROCE, Con, and MBV are approximately about 6.9, 6.7 and 0.35 respectively. These values show that ROCE, Con and MBV are 6.9 percent, 6.7 percent and 0.35 d ispersed from the mean. It also shows that according to the representation of table, the value of size is outstanding and remarkable. The value of the size shows the price of the total assets in the company. Moreover, the above also shows the minimum and maximum value of size which is 66751million and 415512 million respectively while the range of the size is 348761 million. Thus, it can be considered that the range value of the size is balanced between the minimum and maximum. Hence, the conclusion can be formulated from the data results which are evidence that most of the variables are large numerical values as a result of the size of company. Commonly, it is possible that most of the data sets gathered from the large company. Considering the above points, the next section will be indicating the facts that the correlation between the Market to Book Value and other control variables which can include the relationship between MBV and Size using the correlation matrix. Correlation Analysis According to the illustration given in the table below, explanatory variable concerning Con and ROCE, Industry and Con, Industry and ROCE have positive correlation using the substantial levels of 0.01, 0.05 and 0.005 respectively. In addition, the table given below is also showing a positive correlation between ROCE and MBV at substantial level of 0.01, whereas industry and identity are negatively correlated to MBV at the significant level of 0.01. The industry means the sector in which the company operates and the identity means the identity of the largest owner. Thus, it can be taken into account that different significant levels have different degrees of correlation between the dependent and the independent variables. Moreover, the table below is showing the positive negative correlation between one control and one dependent variable rather than showing cleat effects using bivariate analysis. The bivariate analysis shows the analysis of two variables determining the empirical re lationship between those two variables. Correlations MBV Identity Con Size ROCE MBV Pearson Correlation 1 -.252** .709** -.009 .405** Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .846 .000 N 500 500 500 500 500 Identity Pearson Correlation -.252** 1 -.047 .003 -.049 Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .294 .951 .277 N 500 500 500 500 500 Con Pearson Correlation .709** -.047 1 .052 .584** Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .294 .243 .000 N 500 500 500 500 500 Size Pearson Correlation -.009 .003 .052 1 .070 Sig. (2-tailed) .846 .951 .243 .119 N 500 500 500 500 500 ROCE Pearson Correlation .405** -.049 .584** .070 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .277 .000 .119 N 500 500 500 500 500 Industry Pearson Correlation -.522** .048 .088* .036 .102* Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .288 .048 .426 .0 22 N 500 500 500 500 500 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). Regression Analysis In statistics, the regression analysis consists of such techniques used for analyzing various different variables. More particularly, regression analysis is helpful to comprehend the typical value of the dependent variable changes when one of the independent variable is altered. The Regression Analysis is the most commonly used analysis which aims to illustrate the prediction and it is also useful to understand the relationship of independent variables with the dependent variables. In this report, the reason to use the regression analysis is to define the effects on the MBV from the control variables. In order to use regression analysis model, there are four hypotheses developed and described below: Hypothesis 1: There is positive correlation between the ownership concentration and Market to Book Value. Hypothesis 2: There is also correlation between the Identity of the largest Owner and Market to Book Value. The variables are taken into account as quantitative variables and they form a quantitative distinction is the Identity and Industry Terms. Hypothesis 3: There is a negative correlation between the industries and Market to Book Value. Hypothesis 4: There is positive correlation between the industries which is the sector in which the Company operates its business and Market to Book Value. Model Summary Equation 1 Multiple R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate In the table given above, R square is the reflection of the squared- performance benchmark alters have impact on the performance of the fund. It is shown from the table above that analyzing R square can define that MBV has variation of approximately88.3%. Thus, the result of table shows that Market to Book Value can be considered as explanatory variables. Similarly, it can be stated that the primary, institutional investor, concentration, non-financial company and manufacturing are settled after the analysis of the Market to Book Value (MBV). Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) .128 .028 Con .039 .001 .738 dummybank .184 .013 .231 13.704 dummyi .143 .014 .176 10.539 dummyn .074 .014 .090 5.385 dummym .393 .011 .549 37.182 dummyp -.096 .013 -.110 -7.415 Dependent Variable: MBV From the above table given, it is observed that there is a positive correlation between the majorities of explanatory variables and the Market to Book Value at the higher level of correlation. Basically, primary is correlated with the Market to Book Value. Moreover, hypothesis 1 and hypothesis 2 must be accepted because they have positive correlation whereas hypothesis 3 and 4 cannot be accepted as primary has no relation with Market to Book Value. Thus, the result of the table 4 shows that it is evident that there is a mathematical equation to define the correlation between dependent variable and other control variables. Therefore, the equation can be explained as: From the above equation, it can be observed that Market to Book Value is impacted by these factors. If there is no relationship between the control variables and dependent variables, the Market to Book Value is equal to 0.128. Thus, the Market to Book Value can be the constant value. In addition, if other factors are constant, it is possible that every rising unit of ownership concentration is equal to 0.39 rise of Market to Book Value. In regard to industry, every rising unit of bank, institutional investors, and non-financial company can lead the growth of Market to Book Value to approximately 0.184, 0.143 and 0.074 respectively on the condition that other factors remain constant. With the increasing primary at the time of manufacturing, the Market to Book Value will improve at the same time to 0.393 and falls 0.096 respectively. Conclusion In the light of the data collected of 500 companies, the correlation between the independent variables MBV and other specific control variables have been observed and it was found that control variables affect the Market to Book Value. As the result shows that there is no correlation between the dependent variable MBV and size. As a result, it was observed that when more assets are bought to find the adjustment of the structure of ownership, whereas gaining a good performance of company is not possible. In addition, it was also observed that dependent variables MBV are influenced by the ownership concentration, Identity of the largest Owner and Industry and thus, all these factors have impact on the performance of the company. In the light of analyzed results offered above, these determinants of the Market to Book Value must help JP Drew to make a decision between the ownership structure and the performance of Company.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Ignorance, Ignorance And Ignorance - 1136 Words

According to Mark Lilla’s â€Å"Ignorance and Bliss†, â€Å"The source of the proverb Ignorance is Bliss is a poem by the 18th century English poet Thomas Gray, who wrote in passing: â€Å"Where ignorance is bliss/ Tis folly to be wise† (Lilla). At the time the proverb was referring to the Enlightenment and Christianity’s glorification of blind faith, and its renunciation of both scientific reason and philosophical inquiry; however, today, it can be interpreted as whether or not man has the ability to maintain happiness in the midst of unhappiness. Is ignorance really bliss? Can it serve as a way to avoid anxieties, or would repression of issues only lead to more dissatisfaction? Webster’s dictionary defines ignorance as lack of knowledge, education, or awareness. However, it can also be seen as a refusal to acknowledge information. Bliss is defined as complete happiness. Does the idea of ignorance is bliss really hold true? Can happiness be a bypr oduct of a lack of knowledge and awareness, or the flat-out refusal to acknowledge? The people of Omelas seemed to have achieved that. The townspeople of Omelas live in a prosperous Utopian town where everyone is happy, but in order to maintain their way of life a child must be subjected to inhuman treatment and suffering, â€Å"They all know it is there, all the people of Omelas†¦[T]hey all understand that their happiness...depends wholly on this child’s abominable misery†(Le Guin).† How can they allow such atrocities to take place? Well, as MarkShow MoreRelatedIgnorance Is Not Innocence, But Sin, By Robert Browning1678 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"Ignorance is not innocence, but sin,† (Robert Browning). During the war, some people are clueless about what is going on or why it was happening. The Vietnam War is one of the best examples of people’s ignorance about why the United States was fighting Ho Chi Min as well as what started it. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Critique of “Woman as Storyteller in Wide Sargasso Sea Free Essays

Source Roper, Valerie. Woman as Storyteller in Wide Sargasso Sea. Caribbean Quarterly, 34:1/2 (1988:Mar. We will write a custom essay sample on Critique of â€Å"Woman as Storyteller in Wide Sargasso Sea or any similar topic only for you Order Now /June) p. 19 URL: http://pao. chadwyck. com/PDF/1319462795559. pdf Summary In her article, â€Å"Woman as Storyteller in Wide Sargasso Sea† Valerie Roper asserts that Antoinette is much more than just a narrator. Antoinette tells the story of her life but also illuminates the plight and circumstances of women as increasing self awareness dawns. The duality of Antoinette’s identity represents the war within women as they struggle to assimilate their own desires, beliefs, and values with those of the paternalistic society in which they live. Roper asserts that Wide Sargasso Sea is an attempt by Antoinette to look back and figure out where things went wrong. When did her downward spiral begin? As Antoinette tells her story, she does so with insight and understanding than can only come from time and reflection. Antoinette does not just recount her life, she also relives it. â€Å"Through her consciousness she retraces with brutal honesty her psychological journey from isolation to disintegration,† (Roper 19). Roper further contends that Antoinette as the storyteller enabled Rhys to use varying degrees of consciousness to illustrate Antoinette’s journey and revelations. According to Roper, Antoinette’s relationship with her mother is the crux of her illness both genetically and psychologically. Her withdrawal, like her mother’s was a catalyst for her mental instability, but other factors existed as well. Roper discusses elements and scenes that Antoinette revisits which were important in her development, and ultimately in her unraveling. The road to insanity was much more insidious for Antoinette than it had been for Annette. There were tragic, life-altering events that obviously impacted Annette’s mental condition; the death of her husband, isolation from Creole society, and ultimately Pierre’s diagnosis. For Antoinette, her mother and childhood, cultural background, psychological invasion, disorientation, and entrapment all played a pivotal role in Antoinette’s insanity. Response Roper provides an interesting context in which to interpret Rhys’ novel. Perhaps one of the more striking assertions by Roper was regarding point of view. Roper maintains that the parts of the story told from the male point-of-view are a different level of Antoinette’s consciousness. I had not looked at it that way before and it certainly gives me pause. I had looked at it as a writing technique used by Rhys to deepen meaning and create a more balanced picture. Considering the information provided as revelations made by Antoinette on her search for answers injects a new level of complexity to the story and to Antoinette’s character. As a reader, I immediately picked up on the connection between Antoinette’s relationship with her mother and mental state. Roper, however, dove much deeper. She makes a compelling case that â€Å"the society, and her husband, acting on their assumptions, created conditions which aggravated the existing ones and contributed to her disorientation,† (Roper 30). The genetic predisposition for insanity was there, but it was the environment around Antoinette that pushed her over the edge. Antoinette struggled not only for love and acceptance, but also for psychological independence and her own voice. The more she struggles to claim these, the deeper she drifted into abyss. Roper’s most significant argument, for me, is the purpose of Antoinette as storyteller and the role of Rhys. She writes, â€Å"behind Antoinette’s dramatic re-experiencing is Rhys the producer and director, the puppeteer who manipulates her puppet to tell the tragic story of a woman who was aware of complexity but was unable to realize her real feminine personality† (Roper 33). While there were similarities between the lives of Rhys and the character she created, Roper’s argument made me consider the more universal story Rhys was telling. Through Antoinette, Rhys challenges the impact of patriarchy on women. It reveals far more than simply rule by men; it illuminates the internal struggle to find self. Further Research Since a great deal of Antoinette’s struggle’s deal with her search for identity and acceptance, additional research on Creole society and emancipation add another layer of comprehension to Wide Sargasso Sea. It would further develop the sense of society and the interaction of whites and blacks, but it would also provide context for the journey of discovery and self-awareness that Roper asserts is a vital part of the underlying theme throughout the novel. Historical information would fill in the blanks about the role of England on Jamaican society and the natives’ reaction to it. How to cite Critique of â€Å"Woman as Storyteller in Wide Sargasso Sea, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Karnataka Engineering Company Case Study Essay Sample free essay sample

We would wish to show my deep and sincere gratitude to Professor Dr T A S Vijayaraghavan. His counsel A ; learning hold given us the cognition to non merely understanding the constructs of SCM. But besides how to implement those into pattern. We have tried to utilize his instructions in this work. His in-depth cognition. sense of wit. forbearance and enterprise to learn has been priceless for us for which we are thankful and honored. We are besides grateful to our co-workers. who have each contributed in their ain manner to the patterned advance of this instance survey. Overview of Karnataka Engineering Company ( KEC ) ? Company entered the 2 –Wheeler industry in 1981 with Moped production. ? In 1983 the scooter production. ? The fabrication program is in Raichur. ? KEC has 19 subdivisions spread all over India. ? Operating disbursals of a subdivision is estimated to be Rs 17000 per month. ? Minimum throughput that would warrant puting up of a subdivision in any province would be Rs 4. We will write a custom essay sample on Karnataka Engineering Company Case Study Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 25 Lakh per month. This translate into 78 Mopeds or 33 Water scooters per month or any other combination. ? Marketing office is located in about every province. ? Transportation of Mopeds A ; scooters are by specially adapted trucks with a capacity of either 80 Mopeds or 50 scooters or combination of both. This primary transit is organized by the cardinal selling officer of Raichur. Distribution in Andhra Pradesh ? There are two branch warehouses at Adoni A ; Mahbubnager. ? These subdivisions location were selected. as these were the first major towns in AP ? The selling office is situated in Hyderabad. ? Hyderabad office collates the orders A ; issues instruction to Adoni A ; Mahbubnagar for secondary dispatchs. Some Figures amp ; Data. . ? Monthly avg. sale in Jan-Jul 1988 in Andhra Pradesh was Mopeds 1925 A ; Scooters 288. . ? AP part in Jan-Jul 1988 is around 5. 3 % of KEC’s sum Moped sale A ; 3. 6 % of entire scooters gross revenues. ? Sale in AP during this period is around 14. 33 Million PA. ? One scooter was taken every bit tantamount to 1. 6 moped units. ? CST consider is 4 % . Questions for Discussion. At what volume is the gap of a warehouse in a province Justified chiefly on the evidences of the 4 % CST for minutess across the provinces. How many warehouses do you believe are required for distribution of KEC’s merchandise in AP? What would be the candidate locations of the warehouses be? What would be the standards on which to choose the campaigners? Determine the optimum choice of the warehouses A ; the best allotment of the demand points of the selected warehouses? What are the best picks for shipment size from warehouses to demand points? Given size. what routing would you urge for a typical despatch tally? Analysis By utilizing the Logware package we will foremost look into how many warehouses are optimum. A ; what will be the best allotment to each warehouse. The Input for Logware will be 1. The co-ordinates in ( X. Y ) of the Places in Andhra Pradesh. 2. Moped off take amp ; scooter offtake equivalent of Moped offtake ( 1. 6 times ) 3. Rate Rs per kilometer.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Deborah Tannens Opinion on Complicated Relations between the Concepts of Gender and Talkativeness

During a long period of time, researchers intend to find the answer to the question of how much women and men talk in comparison to each other. Furthermore, it is also important to answer the question about the criteria according to which the conclusions should be made (Tannen and Alatis 12).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Deborah Tannen’s Opinion on Complicated Relations between the Concepts of Gender and Talkativeness specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More From this point, the article â€Å"Who Does the Talking Here?† which is written by Deborah Tannen and published in the Washington Post in 2007 can be discussed as one more attempt to respond to the developed debates. In her article, Tannen proposes to discuss the relation between the concepts of gender and talkativeness from the large perspective because these relations are rather complex. Tannen claims that it is irrelevant to count words spoken by women and men without references to the concrete situations and speakers’ purposes, and although many popular researches are based on the principle of counting spoken words, Tannen’s position seems to be rather persuasive because the author not only provides a range of arguments to support her vision but also discusses the weaknesses of counterarguments in detail. Tannen starts her article with drawing the audience’s attention to the controversial idea which contradicts with the public’s traditional visions. The author states that a group of researchers found the evidences to support the view that â€Å"women and men talk equally† (Tannen par. 1). Tannen focuses on this research’s conclusion as the basic argument to state the necessity of re-thinking the visions of men and women’s talkativeness. Thus, the author continues presenting her idea while discussing the opinion about the females’ talkativeness which prevailed in the so ciety during a long period of time. The popular opinion is based on counting the words, as it is in Louann Brizendine’s study, according to which women speak 20,000 words a day, and men speak only 7,000 words a day (Tannen par. 2).Advertising Looking for essay on gender studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More To oppose this idea, Tannen refers to the other researchers’ numbers which are 16,215 words spoken by women during a day and 15,669 words spoken by men (Tannen par. 2). Paying attention to numbers which cannot appropriately reflect the real situation in the society, Tannen chooses to focus on the other approaches and criteria as more important in comparison with the method of counting the words. Having stated the impossibility of the other researchers’ approach to discuss the situation with men and women’s talking in detail, Tannen presents clearly her own vision of the problem while asking th e questions about the correlation between gender and language. According to Tannen, â€Å"to understand who talks more, you have to ask: What’s the situation? What are the speakers using words for?† (Tannen par. 4). To support the importance of these questions, Tannen provides the vivid example to illustrate the role of the situation for men and women’s talking. The example of a man who speaks more at the meetings than at home is effective to support the author’s vision of types of talking. Tannen states that women talk more when they want to focus on the people’s personal experience and feelings. This type of talking is the ‘rapport-talk’. On the contrary, men prefer to provide people with some information, and it is the ‘report-talk’ (Tannen par. 7). The author’s discussion of these types of talking seems to be rather rational because the purposes of females and males’ speaking are explained clearly. While developing the connection between the situation, purpose, and length of speeches, Tannen provides different real-life examples to support her conclusions.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Deborah Tannen’s Opinion on Complicated Relations between the Concepts of Gender and Talkativeness specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Thus, it is necessary to pay attention to the purposes of speaking because women are inclined to be more talkative than men at home, when men are inclined to demonstrate their knowledge at work (Speer 23-25). In her article, Tannen tries to focus on all the aspects of the issue and to discuss all the associated stereotypes. From this point, referring to the research by Campbell and Ayres, Tannen states that â€Å"women’s rapport-talk probably explains why many people think women talk more† (Tannen par. 11). Moreover, people prefer to focus on others’ talking when they spe ak little (Tannen par. 12). As a result, Tannen leads the reader to understand the fact that in reality, women and men talk equally, but there are more situations when men can concentrate on women’s talkativeness. In her article, Deborah Tannen builds a strong argument to support her vision of the problem of women and men’s talkativeness. While discussing the importance of gender differences to influence the males and females’ talks, Tannen chooses to focus on the causes for revealing numbers traditionally presented in the scholarly literature. The author claims that the concentration on counting words cannot provide researchers with the appropriate results. It is important to know when and why women and men speak more. This information is necessary to conclude about the connection between the concepts of gender and language. As a result, Tannen’s position can be discussed as correlated in a way with the idea stated in the article’s first paragraph according to which women and men talk equally. Works Cited Speer, Susan. Gender Talk: Feminism, Discourse and Conversation Analysis. USA: Psychology Press, 2005. Print.Advertising Looking for essay on gender studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Tannen, Deborah. Who Does the Talking Here? 15 Jul. 2007. Web. Tannen, Deborah, and James Alatis. Linguistics, Language, and the Real World: Discourse and Beyond. USA: Georgetown University Press, 2003. Print. This essay on Deborah Tannen’s Opinion on Complicated Relations between the Concepts of Gender and Talkativeness was written and submitted by user Xavier Davenport to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Organizational Change Project Fat Tax in Denmark

Organizational Change Project Fat Tax in Denmark The Purpose of Studying the Organizational There is no secret that the recent â€Å"Fat Tax† has caused quite a stir among the Danish public, and especially among the owners of the Danish food producing enterprises (Cooper, 2012). Analyzing the effects of the reform in the context of a specific organization and taking a closer look at the changes that the Fat Tax has inflicted on it, one can possibly decide whether the Danish companies in general and a specific food-producing organization in particular can survive the changes.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Organizational Change Project â€Å"Fat Tax† in Denmark specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Brief history about the company KiMs has been around in the world of the Danish fast food production for quite a while. Offering chips and snacks, the company was initially an affiliate of the Finnish headquarters. However, as the sales grew, the company expand ed, taking over the fast food market in the Scandinavian countries and ousting the rest of the fast food services (KiMs, 2012). The organizational context for change Previously focused on the production of typical fast food, KiMs produced the food that had been enjoying wide popularity among the Danish people from all walks of life, starting with teenagers to businessmen and office employees. In addition, the source materials for producing fast food with sufficient amount of fats allowed for a flexible financial strategy. However, after the Fat Tax reform, KiMs was to lose not only a part of their revenues to the government tax companies, but also a considerable part of their clients, mainly because fast food was considered not appropriate for healthy lifestyle. Therefore, KiMs had to reform its organizational process, or, to be more exact, the production stage had to be changed greatly. The company had to come up with a substance that could replace fats, which, in turn, could have influenced the entire production process and cost KiMs a lot of money. The driving forces behind the change As it has been mentioned previously, the key driving force behind KiMs’s organizational change was the new tax that was imposed on the companies producing food that contained more fats than corresponding regulations allowed. As a matter of fact, KiMs offers a perfect example of how an organizational change concerning such an important element as the production process can be carried out without the company suffering any significant losses. As the KiMs’s spokesman, Andersen, said in his interview, â€Å"We have shifted all our crisps and snacks to sunflower oil† (Obesity and the Fat Tax Issue, 2011). This is exactly how a company should react to the changes that the government or any other force imposes on it. Without wasting their time on arguments, the company has chosen the least painstaking and the most reasonable way of shaping their production to meet the new requirements.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The parties and stakeholders involved According to the existing record, the head of KiMs managed to handle the situation on their own without attracting any parties. As for the company stakeholders, Andersen claims that the change is not going to harm them, since neither the company, nor its reputation has suffered any damage.  Especially in the light of the recent abolishment of the additional taxation of food, it is clear that the company will have to undergo a number of changes. Moreover, the fact that the taxation of the food products containing fats will be cancelled (Denmark scraps fat tax in another Big Food victory, 2012) means that the company will have to undergo an additional change, which is going back to the traditional financial strategy and rearranging its production system. Thus, â€Å"Fat T ax† was developed with a good intent, yet the organizational changes that it drags test the company’s viability in a rather harsh way, making it shift from one strategic plan to another. Reference List Cooper, B. (2012). Nutrient taxes: European moves on nutrient taxes fuel debate. Web. Denmark scraps fat tax in another Big Food victory (2012). Web. KiMs (2012). About KiMs. Web. Obesity and the Fat Tax Issue (2011). Web.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Short term and long term environmental impact of the Royal Ascort Essay

Short term and long term environmental impact of the Royal Ascort - Essay Example This includes improving the gateway view from the Western Approach and opening up the views of open land and Ascot’s high street. Introduction of the new pond must have improved the areas ecological standing through habitat diversification. Redevelopment of the racecourse came with inherent benefits like infrastructural improvements especially in road networks which are meant to make the racecourse to be more accessible. The construction of two underpasses improved the traffic flow in the region. The most notable aspect of the 2006 redevelopment of the Ascot Racecourse in Berkshire is that the developer endeavored to keep the service roads, all the perimeter walls, and under and inside the new grandstand, clear of construction debris even as the construction work was ongoing. The racecourse developer worked with a team of road sweepers to ensure that during the entire project, existing roads, underpasses and new roads were swept clean. Prior to the opening of the racecourse, the team worked for 24 hours a day for a period of one week to ensure that the service roads and the highways are clean. This approach ensured that the high street areas and the racecourse were clear of rubbish and site debris which helped to control the environmental impact of the reconstruction and prevent disruption of residents in the two year period. As a key event in the British social calendar, the Ascot racing facility hosts up to 80,000 people during some of its key events. Such a gathering of people in an open space is bound to lead to noise pollution as the massive crowd shouts to cheer their favorite horse to victory. Traffic congestion has a negative environmental impact because of the high concentration of exhaust fumes that is likely to take place as a result of the congestion. Event days at Ascot Racecourse are often characterized by a high traffic

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Migration History Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Migration History Paper - Essay Example Firstly, it is the understanding from the interview that was conducted that ultimately the migrant experience within the United States has remained unchanged since late 18th century. Although technology has increased, jet travel has enabled individuals to rapid transit from international origins, and the complexity of paperwork and documentation within the United States has shifted, the first experience for the migrant is one in which hardship, deprivation, and most generally a step backwards in terms of quality of living is ultimately assumed. With regards to the interviewee in question, she described an experience in which once arriving in New York, she moved in to an apartment that was no larger than 500 ft.? and housed no less than six people; whereas in her home country, she had lived in the apartment that was nearly 700 ft.? and housed only three people. ... o the United States within the past 250 years, the reader should be mindful of the fact that the immigrant experience is ultimately different due to the rules and regulations of US visas and permits. Whereas 200 years ago the United States was willing to accept individuals as a means of providing labor to the rapidly industrializing system, the United States is currently reach the status of a highly developed nation and no longer requires the massive influx of unskilled immigrants to power the means of economic growth. However, this is not to say that migration and integration is no longer encouraged. As was the case with the interviewee in question, it was rapidly determined that rather than merely representing unskilled labor that had come to the United States as a means of bettering her life, this individual was highly skilled and represented key assets of education and experience can be utilized within the US economic system. The ultimate financial incentives that drove her to se ek out opportunities within the United States remain the fundamental defining characteristics of why I like the United States is continually attractive. With regards to the question of whether or not she would consider going back to her own country, the response came not as a function of seeking to define the fact that she now considered yourself an American where that she identified with, understood, and appreciated American culture; rather, the response was concentric upon the fact that she would not be able to make the same level of money and her own country as she was able to within the United States. This understanding necessarily brings the reader/researcher to the realization as to why it oftentimes takes to or three generations in order for the individuals to consider themselves an

Monday, November 18, 2019

Is it morally obligated to help the poor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Is it morally obligated to help the poor - Essay Example This also means that moral principles would not be a measurement of one’s life value. The moral principles of an individual would only reflect in the quality of life one leads. It would also reflect on the quality of life that one transmits onto the immediate and external community. A probable foundation of this concept regards Thomas Jefferson’s idea of men’s equal creation. On one hand, he could have been expressing the view that no individual is of moral inferiority to the other (Waller 187). On the other end, he could have been arguing about equal sharing of certain inalienable rights by all individuals. In this view, human beings would share an inalienable right to proper diet. In case a part of the population has inadequate sharing of the rights, it becomes an obligation for the rest of the population to uplift the disadvantaged. In addition, the direction of help is a fundamental view. It is crucial for the financially able communities to invent stable ways of arousing long term solutions. In most instances, poverty may arise out of inadequate empowerment to sense the opportunities of alleviating the situation. This relates to poor knowledge and irrelevant skills of economic enhancement. The relevance of such empowerment relates to the aspect of establishing self help means. This suggests that the first step to alleviating poverty is providing necessary education for community skills. Most poor communities exist in deplorable states because of external events (Andre and Velasquez 2009). This suggests that external factors contravene their own development. For instance, a business venture would face the constraints of a manipulative environment and corruption. A poor person who would be striving to attain a job would face a constraint out of nepotism and favor to corporate positions (Cullity 290). This occurs in spite of one’s efforts to continually seek for employment. The effective

Friday, November 15, 2019

Gender Equality In Politics

Gender Equality In Politics The initiation of women into influential politics has the potential to greatly benefit society. There are a number of theoretical reasons women would be doing the world a favour by entering into politics. Basic statistics demonstrate that equality would benefit the economy. In the West, the perception towards women is positive: they are mostly on equal ground with men regarding capabilities (Pew Research Center [PRC, 2008]. Moreover, because most female politicians have to juggle professional, private, and sometimes family lives, their resulting ability to multi-task should allow them better management skills and more sensible political priorities. Now, these theories regarding womens abilities and inclinations do have some factual basis. There are already successful females in high positions of power within government (e.g. Angela Merkel; Scandinavian Parliament). A survey carried out in India had results illustrating that where women were in charge, villagers were much better off ( Beaman, 2007). Surprisingly, Southeast Asia is where the most women have reached the highest governmental positions (Fleschenberg, 2008). One can argue that, whether there is a positive or ineffectual upshot to womens involvement in politics, merely achieving equality and effectively rendering most prejudices null would be a tremendous benefit to society. However, while the women of the West have far more opportunity and are reluctant to take advantage of it, there are still the women of developing countries, where bias against women is still quite distinct (Beaman, 2007). In the meantime, there is the Middle East, where progress in gender equality is practically nonexistent (Akande, 2007). But despite the emphasis given to creating equality for women, there are still very few females in high-level decision making positions. (McDermott, 2009). If gender inequality can be overcome, it can open the doorway to alleviating a significant amount of the dilemmas the world faces. Opening the Doorway: Gender Equality in Politics If liberty and equality, as is thought by some, are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in government to the utmost. Whether or not Aristotle meant to include females in his definition of persons, this quote of his basically supports the idea that there is no real equality until individuals of every possible variance are not only involved in government, but have the same say in proceedings. Equality is an abstract term; it has evaded human beings since the time we came into existence, and remains indomitably out of reach due to our own inherent prejudices. It is only very recently that real attempts have been successful in overcoming these imbalances in social order; but naturally, those at the top want to stay that way-and with their power comes the ability to maintain their position. Therefore, we still have a long way to go before humans can declare themselves a race of egalitarianism. Gender inequality is probably the most prevalent form of discrimination, due to the fact that it exists, unfailingly-not only in all societies-but within the classes and castes within those societies (Jamal, 2009/2010). The superiority of men has been a given through the ages, both through formal laws and unwritten, shared understandings (Jamal, 2009/2010). These days, women have come far along the road to equality, but-as modern feminists complain-women still have to work twice as hard to get half as far as men in their careers. There is no argument that, thanks to or despite this, women are underrepresented in many areas, most notably those of power. But politics, which has the most potential to influence culture and civilization, is the most notable area of all. Whether or not women are better than men is not the question here-the question is, would gender equality in politics have a substantial effect on global affairs? And would this effect be favourable or detrimental? Because gender is the key to the organization of product and reproduction, women are at the crossroads between economic growth and human development. (Jamal, 2009/2010, p. 5) The initiation of women into influential politics has the potential to greatly benefit society. There are a number of theoretical reasons women would be doing the world a favour by entering into politics. According to Akande, women are the worlds most under-utilised resource; getting more of them into work is part of the solution to many economic woes, including shrinking populations and poverty. (2007, p. 10) Basic statistics even demonstrate that equality would benefit the economy- women put in 67% of the hours of work done on Earth, yet they earn 10% of salaries and possess 1% of all goods (Career Womens Forum, 2006). So women have already proven themselves diligent, and take up around 50% of a population-on this note, Akande reasons that their lack of active participation (2007) in all influential fields, including the workforce, intellectual or academic spheres, or politics, basically deprives a country of valuable human resources. This applies more directly to developing countries where gender discrimination completely obstructs womens chances to achieve anything, let alo ne politics; however, it bolsters equality in general. Perception is the basis of social context, and negative social context is womans biggest obstacle towards achieving anything, let alone a career in politics. In the West, the universal perception towards female leaders is changing for the better. A survey conducted by the Pew Research Center reveals the proletarian opinion on why women are still underrepresented in politics: gender discrimination, resistance to change, and a self-serving old boys club' (PRC, 2008). The public also believes that women are held back by the pressure of juggling family (which, as women, they are still meant to take care of) or personal life, and professional life; lack of the necessary skill is cited by few as a potential cause (PRC, 2008). In the same survey, women were rated higher than men on the majority of traits considered important to leadership (e.g. honesty, intelligence, compassion) (PRC, 2008). Women are believed by the populace to be more inclined towards dealing with civic issues such as health care and education (PRC, 2008); men, however, are more disposed towards eradicating crime, public safety, defence, and national security (PRC, 2008). This has been backed up by actual studies, though they put mens priorities in a less favourable light: Studies show that women are more likely to spend money on improving health, education, infrastructure and poverty and less likely to waste it on tanks and bombs. (Akande, 2007) The results of the survey continued by rating women higher than men in other areas believed to be important for a leader: holding firm to their principles even in the face of political strain; in negotiation and compromise; in instilling honesty in the government; and relating to the general public (PRC, 2008). Despite all this, only 6% actually claim women make better political leaders than men, which would be the natural progression (PRC, 2008). However, 69% rate men and women as equal, so this is probably, essentially, an even bigger step towards equality than if the reverse imbalance was presented (PRC, 2008). Even more theoretical reasoning can back up this claim: because most female politicians have to juggle professional, private, and sometimes family lives, their ability to multi-task is forcibly but finely honed (Career Womens Forum [CWF], 2006). This in turn allows them better management skills and more sensible political priorities. Now, these theories regarding womens abilities and inclinations do have factual basis. There are already successful females in high positions of power within government, such as Angela Merkel, Germanys first female Chancellor. Scandinavian countries, according to Career Womens Forum, are of the better-managed countries of the world, the most imaginative and prosperous (2008); the article goes on to correlate this fact with one stating their Parliaments are made up of 40% women, the highest percentage in the world. A Millenial Survey was carried out by a non-governmental organization in India in the year 2000 (Beaman, Duflo, Pande Topalova, 2007). It focused on subjective and objective measures of both the quantity and quality of five basic public services: drinking water and sanitation, health, education and child care, road transport and the public distribution system (Beaman, 2007). Though the survey was not undertaken for the express purpose of comparing male and female leadership performances, this-in accordance with the simultaneously subjective and objective nature of the survey-afforded the surveyors a lack of predetermined bias towards the results (Beaman, 2007). The results illustrated that where women were in charge, there was a higher investment in clean drinking water, leading to the avoidance of water-borne diseases and overall improvement of health (Beaman, 2007). Also, children were more likely to be immunized, and where women were in charge the gender gap in schooling was less by almost 13%; women were also less likely to accept bribes (Beaman, 2007). Despite all this, villagers reported dissatisfaction with their female leaders; Beaman found this rational, though, due to the inherent bias of the society (2007). Though the Nordic area can claim the highest percentage of women in Parliament, it is, surprisingly, Asia where the most women have reached the highest governmental positions (Fleschenberg, 2008). The first female Prime Minister in history was Sirimavo Bandaranaike, of Sri Lanka; she had power three times, beginning in 1960, and when she died in office in the year 2000, she was succeeded by her daughter, Chandrika Kumaratunga (Fleschenberg, 2008). Indira Gandhi, India, is possibly the most famous female politician, with the most influence and positive impact thanks to her campaign for progress in India-a recent BBC poll named her the greatest woman of the last 1,000 years (Fleschenberg, 2008). Aung San Suu Kyi is the accepted leader of democratic Burma despite her continuing house arrest (Fleschenberg, 2008). In Malaysia, Wan Azizah Wan Ismail freed her husband, Anwar Ibrahim, and has headed the parliamentary opposition party in Malaysia since the late 1990s (Fleschenberg, 2008). The re are more notable names, from Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan, and the Philippines; though all of these cultures are undoubtedly patriarchal and paternalistic in political and ideological terms, women have achieved the position of prime minister or president in all of them (Fleschenberg, 2008). These countries have little in common in terms of economic development, culture, religion, and political systems (Fleschenberg, 2008). The one defining commonality between these women involves their education: no different from influential politicians in general, but exceptional for their own locale, where often education cannot proceed past the secondary or tertiary level (Fleschenberg, 2008). In addition, many of them gained reputations and political experience against backdrops of political turmoil and/or transition (Fleschenberg, 2008, p. 33) as leaders of opposition movements, effectively classifying them as transformational leaders, (Fleschenberg, 2008, p. 33) valuable to their country from day one. As for their terms in office, analysis proves that none of these countries deteriorated [. . .] as a direct consequence of female governance (Fleschenberg, 2008, p. 5). In fact, any declines were caused by male-led interventions (Fleschenberg, 2008). These leaderships are made even more interesting by the fact that these women came into power by proving themselves worthy, rather than just to promote equality, are recognized as capable, self-reliant leaders with no limits on their power due to their gender (Fleschenberg, 2008). On the other hand, their governments are still not gender balanced; Fleschenberg admits that they are the exception, and their rise to power should not be confused with increased womens participation in politics (2008). One can argue that, whether there is a positive or ineffectual upshot to womens involvement in politics, merely achieving equality and effectively rendering most prejudices null would be a tremendous benefit to society. Women are generally fighting an uphill battle in this respect-or, at least, some of them are. Interestingly, a report comparing the victory rates of male and female candidates yielded the result that when women run for office, they win just as often as men do. (Bowman, 2008) Since this included mostly small-time political positions in already developed countries, it is not as provocative as it may appear; it basically only reveals that, at least in the West, there is less interest in politics. The surveyed women were not enthusiastic about running for office, or the process required, such as raising campaign cash or balancing familial responsibilities (Bowman, 2008). Still, Akande says, Women are more likely to organize in other politics, such as social movements, and in non-governmental organizations. (2007, p. 16) So, while the women of the West have far more opportunity and are reluctant to take advantage of it, there are still the women of developing countries, where bias against women is still quite distinct (Beaman, 2007). Because women are generally assumed, not to lack leadership skills so much as have less than men-even those with similar personality traits-if a woman is fulfilling a normally male role, she will be judged more ruthlessly (Beaman, 2007). For example, a bad decision, or merely an unpopular one despite advantageous ends, would gain them a harsher level of criticism than if they were male (Beaman, 2007). This social backlash for violating stereotypes dissuades all but the most determined women; indeed, where the Western woman shuns politics for the stress it promises, or mere lack of interest (Bowman, 2008), a woman in a developing country shuns it to avoid the extra controversy that would top that stress (Beaman, 2007). In the meantime, there is the Middle East, where progress in gender equality is practically nonexistent (Akande, 2007). Akande attributes this to the ongoing political upheaval, citing the near civil-war situation in Iraq, the murky future of the Palestinians, Irans nuclear ambitions, or the future of democracy in the region. (2007, p. 10) The female in the Middle East is generally far worse off than those of other developing countries, due to being in a society that is either indifferent (Akande, 2007, p. 17) to them, or downright hostile. (Akande, 2007, p. 17). The principles of the predominant religion of Islam cannot directly take the blame for this (Akande, 2007), as women have gained political prominence in every Islamic country of South-eastern Asia apart from Brunei (Fleschenberg, 2008). However, the combination of religion and culture do play a big part in the viewpoints that support this maltreatment of women (Akande, 2007). This goes not just for the Muslim women of the Arab world, but for other religions that undermine the weaker sex, such as Sikhs, Hindus, and Native Americans (Akande, 2007). He stresses the Middle East, however, because the predicament of the regions women essentially has a direct effect on world affairs; he believes that much of the strife in the Middle East (i.e. underdevelopment, domestic and regional instability [. . .], ethnic frictions (Akande, 2007, p. 9)) could be mitigated, if not outright halted, if women had more of a voice in government (2007). If the results of the studies referenced by Akande earlier on, as well as the beliefs presented by the Pew Research Center survey are any indication, even a gradual move towards gender equality-in politics and otherwise-would be a big step towards eventual stability. At any rate, gender equality is a worldwide goal, and there are measures in place meant to promote womens involvement in Parliaments, etc (McDermott, 2009). In India, one third of parliamentary seats are reserved for women (Atkins, 2008). Though some see these enactments as a step backwards merely because they appear as a chauvinistic inability to allow women a true sense of accomplishment (Atkins, 2008), there is a much more considerable reason they can be seen as such. Despite the emphasis given to creating equality for women, there are still very few females in high-level decision making positions. (McDermott, 2009) This even goes for the previously-praised Nordic countries where there is an almost-balanced level of genders within the government (McDermott, 2009). Still, when it comes to decision-making, the women have limited say. Gwaze points out that in Zimbabwe, women appointed to seemingly important positions only have real significance at voting time; otherwise, they are little more than puppets for the males with real power (2007). What we see now is a faà §ade of equality that prevents women from making the change that they are capable of. With all the previously described obstacles that women have to overcome, only for women to be rendered utterly inconsequential by males who continue to wield more power, it is no wonder that gender inequality prevails in government. Successful female politicians often take pride in not only their achievements in public service, but the fact that they are positive role models for younger girls (Campbell Wolbrecht, 2005). Males do not bother to see themselves as role models, reflecting the fact that men and boys need little additional evidence that the halls of power are open to them. (Campbell, 2005) The only way to change points-of-view on female politicians is for them to continue in this vein-its a snowball effect. Women already proven the positive impact they are capable of; as more gradually get into politics and gradually become more successful at it, the window of politics as a career is opened to more and more women. And as these women prove their value within government proceedings, attitudes towards them will change for the better, the way they already are (Beaman, 2007). Gender equality is not the biggest problem face by society, and it is not the only discrimination human beings must cope with. However, if this most profound and prevailing prejudice can be overcome, it can open the doorway to alleviating a significant amount of the dilemmas faced by the world.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Two Kinds of Love in Movie Casablanca Essay -- Love Casablanca Movie F

Two Kinds of Love in Movie Casablanca In the movie Casablanca, directed by Michael Curtiz, two different kinds of love are exposed. The love relationship between Ilsa Lund and Rick is a more passionate relationship while the one between Ilsa and Victor Laszlo is more intimate. Love is composed of different feelings and because of that it can be expressed, as seen in Casablanca, in different ways. â€Å"The Intimate Relationship Mind†, a text by Garth J. O. Fletcher and Megan Stenswick, helps support that claim providing a scientific background on how love is shaped by those different feelings. It says that â€Å"love is composed of three distinct and basic components that each represent evolved adaptations; namely, intimacy, commitment, and passion† (Fletcher and Stenswick 73). Those three components help shape different kinds of love. The first love relationship that is portrayed in Casablanca is the one between Ilsa and Rick. It is explicit that the relationship is a passionate one and that what they had was more of a fling, an affair, than a relationship that would last forever. That can be noticed by the lyrics of the song â€Å"As Time Goes By†, which is the theme song for their love: You must remember this, A kiss is just a kiss, A sigh is just a sigh, The fundamental things apply, As time goes by. The lyrics basically mean that their love will not last long. That they may kiss and sigh as time goes by but one day it will be over and become a memory. There certainly is passion in Rick and Ilda’s relationship but it lacks the two other components stated by Fletcher and Stenswick: intimacy and commitment. That is shown when Rick has his flashback from Paris. Rick ask... ... That is how Ilsa and Laszlo’s relationship was shaped, with higher levels of intimacy and commitment, and lower levels of passion. It is a relationship that would typically last. Casablanca does an excellent job in portraying two different kinds of love: a passionate love and an intimate and committing love. Passionate love is unavoidable and a part of life but people need to accept that a love based solely on passion does not last. An intimate and committing love is what will persevere and is what they need to hold on to. In the final scene Rick and Ilsa accept that their moment is gone, that they will be separate for life but â€Å"will always have Paris†. She then moves on to continue her relationship with Laszlo. That is the main message in Casablanca: that you need to accept that passionate love doesn’t last and embrace intimate and committing love.